Monday, January 2, 2012

Letting Go

God sent a messenger to tell me that there are times in life that we just have to let things go.  The person didnt know me and I didnt know them.  I accepted letting go to the best of my understanding, but have to admitt, I had a hard time knowing exactly what it meant, and how much to let go, etc.  I made a lot of mistakes and made a mess of letting go, before I actually learned how to do it.  I remember praying and crying, God if you will just tell me out loud, what to do, I will do it.  I learned that when God says let go, he means let go all the way and just trust him.  When I finally did just that, I cant explain the peace and joy that comes with watching him take care of it all.  I didnt learn over night, in fact it took me a few years, but he is patient, and faithful and so wonderful.  When I quit trying to handle things myself, the battles started being won.  The battles not ours, its the Lords.  Well today I fought a battle, and guess what I could have let go a little quicker.  I am so thankful for Gods understanding.  So if we stumble, just get up, brush off, and learn to fly.

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